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17-year-old South Londoner Joyce Cisse, known musically as flowerovlove, is ready for world domination.

In just the past year and a half, flowerovlove entered the music industry around the era of COVID-19 and wowed listeners with her nostalgic, warm, and feel-good musicality. She released her debut project, Think Flower, before successfully taking off with tracks like “Malibu,” “Will We Ever Get This Right,” and “Hannah Montana.” Simultaneously, she has made a massive impression within the world of fashion. Not only has she walked Paris Fashion Week, but she’s also been the face of campaigns for brands like Gucci and Pangaia.

Now, flowerovlove has even more to celebrate. After winning her first award for Vevo’s 2023 Artists to Watch alongside the likes of FLO, Ethel Cain, and Ice Spice, she is continuing to show off her musical growth with her brand-new EP. A Most Pit In The Clouds is her latest body of work, containing five tracks that showcase the up-and-coming artist’s dazzling melodies, smooth vocals, and playful songwriting.

Pop Crave talked to flowerovlove about her new EP, A Mosh Pit In The Clouds, where she’d like to go on tour, and her thoughts on collaborating with Harry Styles. Keep reading for the full interview!

Hi Joyce aka flowerovlove! Really quickly for those who are just meeting you, where did you get your artist name from?

The name is very much inspired by the fact that, um… What is my name about [laughs]? Okay, so, flowers represent self-love, growing, and blossoming. I feel like everyone should treat themselves as a delicate flower, and the “love” is just about, again, spreading love and giving love to yourself.

Just a week ago, your new EP titled A Mosh Pit In The Clouds released! How exciting has the fan reception been for you since its release, and how does it feel to now have the project thrown out into the world?

Oh, it’s been great! I feel like everyone loves it. I’ve gotten a lot more appreciation on the other singles as much as the highlight singles, because you know how usually people only care about one song? But yeah, no, it’s been very much every song which is good. I’m really happy about it!

I think my personal favorite song from the EP is “I Gotta I Gotta”! From the very beginning of the song, it just sounds so joyful and fun. Could you explain a bit more about what the song is about and what it personally means to you?

I’d say that song is more just about urging to get something, which is like, “I gotta, I gotta get somewhere,” but you don’t know what it is. You know when you feel like something’s missing in life and you want to go for it, but you’re not exactly sure what it is? That’s kind of what it’s about, but then also it’s a clash with me and my brother just having fun in the studio, which is what that chorus is about. I feel like it shows that even though there’s darkness, there’s always light.

I love the way you deliver the line, “No need to think about it… at all.

Yeah, you like my American accent in that? I sing with an American accent!

The music video for “I Gotta I Gotta” is also just so amazing! What was shooting that music video like, and how did you come up with the concept for it?

Okay, so, I wanted something to do with a door because I wanted the cover with a door. I was like, “Okay, we need to have a door in the music video!” I worked with this director who does all of my videos, and he had the idea of it transitioning into different places. I just said, “I want something to do with the door.” That was, like, all I gave. I gave nothing but everything. It was one of the hottest days of summer when I filmed that, so I was very much burning. It was a great shoot, I loved everyone that was there, my brother was in the video which was fun, but yeah. It was just so hot. That’s all that I can say.

Who are some music artists currently inspiring you right now, and is there anyone you’d love to collaborate with in the future?

Ooh, Harry Styles for both!

Oh, yes, I feel like the aesthetics would work so well together!

You know what? Everyone’s saying that! I’ve been doing so many interviews recently, and they ask, like, “Who do you love right now?” I’m like, “Harry Styles,” and they’re like, “I could see you guys doing a collab!” I’m like, “You know what? Yes. Agreed!”

Tomorrow, you’ll be performing at the Pitchfork Festival in Paris! You also recently announced three tour dates for next year in Paris, London, and Milan. What are you most excited about when it comes to touring and doing live performances?

I just really enjoy people singing back my lyrics. Also, I do a thing at the end of every concert where I throw posters into the crowd, which is always very fun because I always end up hitting people.

More people should do that!

No, it’s my thing, it’s my thing! I’m gatekeeping.

Where is somewhere you haven’t toured yet that you would love to go and visit?

Ooh, that’s a good question! Brazil. That’s, like, a dream. Honestly, everyone’s diehard. Everyone’s just like, “Come to Brazil,” because no one goes to Brazil. It’s like, I would go to Brazil. I’ll be that person.

You’re an incoming fashion legend. You’ve walked Paris Fashion week, and you’ve also been the face of campaigns for iconic brands like Gucci. How would you describe your fashion aesthetic?

I would say right now it’s quite preppy, but it wouldn’t stay like that forever. It’s very fun and whatever’s comfortable to me, but I also know what looks good. I would say I have a good color palette.

You’ve had so many fashion accomplishments, and now you’re having so many music accomplishments! I just saw on your Instagram that you won your first award for Vevo’s 2023 Artists to Watch, and you were featured alongside other artists like FLO, Ethel Cain, Ice Spice, etc. What does it mean to you to know that people (including me, of course) are really eyeing you as an up-and-coming global superstar in the making?

I mean, I think it’s really nice because it’s something that I believe too. It’s great to see that other people believe that that can happen to me. It’s just giving manifestation, you know what I mean? I’m not the only person who sees it, so I’m no longer delusional. It’s not just me.

You’re feeling validated!

Yeah, like it’s actually real!

Now, I do have to mention that you’re only 17 years old. Now, I know when I was 17, I would be in my bed every day watching YouTube and eating Cheez-Its. For better or for worse, do you think entering the industry at such a young age has impacted your musical journey in any way?

Ooh, yeah, because I feel like I get to grow quicker with my sound. Instead of waiting… I don’t like waiting for things. I feel like if you start now, the better you will get at your craft.

Final question. Is there anything you can tell fans about what they can expect from flowerovlove and her musical journey in the near future?

I feel like I have really good song titles, and I feel like my first album will be a good title. That for sure. What else? The only thing I will say is world domination. I don’t have any other answer to give.

flowerovlove’s new EP, A Most Pit In The Clouds, is out now.
