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Ticketmaster is set to roll out a new plan that will completely refund concert-goers amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


The distribution company faced backlash last week when ticket buyers were alerted they wouldn’t be refunded for cancelled and/or rescheduled shows affected by the Coronavirus. Starting May 1st, Billboard reports fans can now expect emails offering full refunds for postponed shows that have been given a new date. This offer will only be available for a 30-day window upon rescheduling.



Concert-goers not interested in a full refund have two other options: obtain credit for a future concert worth up to 150 percent of their original ticket through the “Rock When You Are Ready” program, or donate the ticket(s) to healthcare workers through the “Hero Nation” program.


Ticketmaster has cancelled or postponed 30,000 events worth $2 BILLION in ticket sales this year. According to a statement on Twitter, the company had over 55,000 events scheduled between March 1st and the end of the 2020.



“For cancelled shows, refunds will be automatically processed within 30 days, unless fans voluntarily opt into other programs,” Live Nation reports in an official statement. “Live Nation venues will offer fans an option to receive a 150% credit for the value of their tickets to be used for a future Live Nation show. Fans will also be able to donate the proceeds of their refund to a charity to give concert tickets to health care workers, with Live Nation matching ticket donations.”


What concerts were you planning to go to that got cancelled/rescheduled? Share with us on Twitter at @PopCrave!
